Saturday, March 23, 2019

Romans 1:25-27 “The Real Answer”

As always, here’s my fairly literal translation of these verses:

25Such ones exchanged the truth of God in the lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed into the ages. Amen. 26Because of this, God gave them up into shameful passions, for even their females exchanged the natural use into that contrary to nature. 27Likewise also the males, abandoning the natural use of the females, burned in their desire into one another, males with males, practicing the indecency and receiving in themselves the retribution which was fitting of their perversion.

Once again, these verses are bombshells. If you even posted them on FaceBook – just the raw verses themselves – you’d probably lose your job and get death threats in the mail.

It is heartbreaking to see how far we’ve come…or gone.

That aside (for now), what these verses are telling us, as we saw in v.24, is that when humans turn their backs on God, they do not evolve, they devolve. When God saw that there was no fitting companion for the man, He made woman and presented her to the man. God’s plan for the human race has always been for a young man to find a young woman to marry and thence to bring children into the world. In His big, beautiful fractal picture, sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is an expression of the “one flesh” reality God intended for them – for them to “complete” each other and together to become something far greater than either one alone could have ever been.

Once again, what these verses are telling us is that, when humans turn their backs on God, the judgment they suffer is that God lets them lose the beautiful simplicity of this wholesome picture. Also once again, just as we saw in v.24, it’s not so much that God judges the sin (which He does), but that the sin is its own judgment. As I lamented on v.24, we may be fearing in our hearts that God will judge our nation for not only allowing but even honoring this sin, but we need to realize the sin is the judgment.

And we also need to realize the real sin isn’t the act itself, it is the turning away from God. Note carefully that v.25 is a statement, “Such ones exchanged the truth of God for the Lie…” Verse 26 begins “For this cause,” or “Because of this,” and then describes how God gave them up to this sin. The actual sin He is judging is their turning away from Him. In verses 23 and 24, we see the same pattern, where there the humans exchanged the glory of God for idolatry, which is the sin, and so God gave them up to impurity and the degrading of their bodies with one another – sins in themselves but sins which are their own judgment.

 I said then, we need to realize that sexual sin in and of itself (either hetero or homo) is God’s judgment on those who turn away from Him. I think that is an important point to note – that all sexual sin is itself a judgment on people who have first of all turned their backs on God. What I mean is that I think we all (including myself) have way down deep in our hearts the idea that, although adultery is “bad,” at least it’s “normal.” In a sense it’s “okay,” it’s just what hot-blooded young people end up doing. People who have engaged in heterosexual sin, think nothing of jumping up on their high horses and condemning homosexual sin. Their sin was “okay” but people who go further, well, that’s just terrible.

I once had a young woman confide in me that her brother had come home to announce to the family he was gay and she was distraught with how to deal with it. I asked her, “What if he’d come home and announced he was climbing in and out of bed with girls?” I pointed out that what he was doing was, in a sense no worse – it was just that in our minds jumping in and out of bed with girls would have been “acceptable” or “normal” – wrong, yes, but “not that bad.”  Being the sweet person she was, she immediately saw my point and I believe went away to continue loving that brother, even if she had to tell him (kindly) what he was doing was wrong.

This brings us back again to acknowledging the real problem – which is turning away from God. The answer for America is not to somehow stop homosexuality. It is for people’s hearts to turn back to the Lord. If they did, they’d not only stop their homosexuality, they’d stop all their sexual sin and get back to the beautiful picture of faithful, monogamous marriage which the Lord intended from the beginning.

This is, of course, Paul’s whole point over all of this discussion of man’s devolvement – that the Gospel is the answer. The good news for (all) us sinners is that there is an answer, there is a solution, there is a hope. Even for an entire race that turned away from the Lord, He Himself has provided a way back. Jesus is the Way. He is the Truth we exchanged for the Lie. And He is the Life we all need.

As I said in the beginning, it is sad to see how far we’ve come…or gone, but these verses are not here to use as a club to selectively beat sins we don’t like. They are here to help us see the real problem, to bring us back to the real solution. Oh that people everywhere could, like Mary, see Jesus in His beauty and choose to sit at His feet and drink in His words. What peace they could know. What love for others they could know if only they could know loving Him. May you and I live that love for Him and show the world there is a real answer.

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