Sunday, October 15, 2017

I Thessalonians 5:3 – “Peace and Safety”

As always, here’s my fairly literal translation of these verses:

3When they are saying, “Peace and safety,” then sudden to them is coming destruction, just as the labor to her having [child] in womb, and they absolutely will not escape.

When they are saying, ‘Peace and safety,…’” Isn’t it interesting to look around and realize this is exactly where our world is going? World War I was supposed to be “the war to end all wars,” and Woodrow Wilson championed the League of Nations – which became ultimately the United Nations, whose primary task (supposedly) is to maintain world peace. Their military forces are called “peacekeepers.” We’ve had Hippies and peace-niks and pacifists. We have “Green Peace,” and the Peace Corps. Politicians constantly clamor for “peace in the Middle East.” Barak Obama was elected on a platform of promising to unite the country and end the war in Iraq. His deception was so convincing, he hadn’t been in office long or done anything at all notable and they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize. In his case, of course, it was all hot air, and all he did was divide the country, persecute Christians, and generally leave the world a far scarier place. But our world was clamoring for “Peace and Safety,” and he said he could give it ... and they believed him.

Along with all of this, it is notable that boys are no longer taught to fight. As late as my parents’ generation, practically every boy learned to box. Before that, throughout the ages, a boy just naturally grew up learning to use a sword or a bow or to shoot a gun – all with the understanding that he might need those skills someday to defend himself, his family, or his country. Probably the last generation of fighting men were the guys who served in WWII. Even as young men those guys could take up a gun and walk right into the face of death and ultimately win a world war to defend their families back home.

But not so anymore. Today we’re raising a generation of snowflakes. When world events look threatening, they need a “safe place” to go and hide. I often wonder what the men would have thought about this riding the landing craft right into the carnage of Normandy Beach. A “safe place?” I enjoyed blowing up groundhogs as a kid, shooting them with a gun big enough to drop an elephant, but I’m very aware such activities are frowned upon today. I say to that, “Humbug.” It’s good for a boy to learn to shoot a gun, to shoot a BIG gun, to pull the trigger and turn his “enemy” into a pink cloud, to spread blood and guts all over the place. But, of course, … those are not acceptable thoughts today.

What’s it all about? “Peace and safety.” The entire mental climate of our modern world is becoming obsessed with “Peace and safety.” Isn’t that interesting? Someone predicted it 2000 years ago! The world around is forming exactly into the world the Lord said it would be when He returns. We don’t know “the day or the hour” but we have been told what the world would be like and as Jesus said, “When you see these things, you know that it is near, right at the door” (Mt 24:33).

Are peace and safety bad things? Certainly not. It is precisely any government’s primary responsibility to provide for the peace and safety of its citizens (Romans 13:3). And, as Christians, it is of paramount importance to us that our God provides us with peace and safety. “‘Peace, peace to him that is near and to him that is far, and I will heal him,’ says the Lord” (Isa 57:19). “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you … Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace …” (Gal 5:22). [A godly man] “will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, confident in the Lord. His heart is secure, he will have no fear …” (Ps 112:7,8).

So what is wrong with a world talking “peace and safety?” The problem is they think they can find it without the Lord. They think they can create their own peace and safety. Like the builders of the Tower of Babel, they are saying, “Let us make a name for ourselves!” Just as the Lord warned in the Old Testament, He can offer blessings and there will always be someone who “… invokes a blessing on himself and thinks, ‘I will be safe, even though I persist in going my own way’” (Deut 29:19). That passage goes on to say “… the Lord’s anger will burn against that man” (v20). The fact is this is God’s world and He says, “There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” No peace. It is the very pits of arrogance and presumption to think we can live in God’s world, spurn His grace, and still somehow manage to create for ourselves a world of peace and safety. In fact, the very father of all of that deception is none other than Satan himself who is “a liar and the father of lies.” Just like crooked politicians, he knows people want to hear “peace and safety.” But he himself was “a murderer from the beginning” and the real world he creates is a world of lies and murder.

Although we may enjoy brief periods of good leadership, the general trend of world leadership will from now on be constantly moving toward more and more platforms of “peace and safety,” followed by more division, more persecution, and oppression of anyone who doesn’t play along. In spite of the failures, people will constantly believe the new lies and continue to embrace these leaders who promise them “peace and safety.” The Bible speaks of people believing a “strong delusion of a lie.” And of the AntiChrist himself, it says “and by peace he shall destroy many” (Dan 8:25).

Finally, the Lord will intervene to end all the lies and murder, and, as it says in our passage, “While they are saying ‘peace and safety,’ sudden to them is coming destruction.”  I’ve left the sentence structure awkward to show the emphasis the Greek puts on the word “sudden.” It will be sudden. Like a woman in labor – she may have known it was coming, she just didn’t know when, and when it does come, it comes, and there is no turning back. And then the Lord goes on to warn, “and they absolutely will not escape.” Again, in the Greek, the language is there to emphasize more than just “they will not escape.” It tells us they absolutely will not escape.” Back in 4:15, we were assured that “we who are alive and remain until the Coming of the Lord certainly will not precede those who have fallen asleep.” Same grammatical device. “Certainly will not.” “Absolutely will not.”

Our world will more and more talk peace and safety while the lies and murders only increase. But the God who is the true source of peace and safety will go on offering His grace and mercy – and for those of us who accept it, we can in Him live in real peace and safety.

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