Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Psalm 113:1-3 – “All the Time and Everywhere”

As always, here’s my fairly literal translation of these verses:

Praise the LORD.

  1Praise, [O] servants of the LORD. Praise the name of the LORD.
 2Let the name of the LORD be blessed from now and until ages.
 3From sunrise to sunset, the name of the LORD being praised.

This has been an interesting couple of weeks since I posted thoughts on verses 1&2 and expressed my own desire to be a “walking psalm.” As is usually the case, I’ve been anything but! I was studying verse 3 and resolved to live verses 1&2, but got clobbered again at work. I already felt overwhelmed and was trying to trust God that it is all His work and that somehow it will all get done. Then it seemed like every day more got piled on. And then more. And then more. I felt so deeply buried there’s no possible hope I can do it all. And yet, underneath it all, I do believe it’s all from Him, that He’s just wanting to stretch me and teach me. I want to be confident in Him. I want to live in praise. But I was not. I was living in absolute terror (as usual).

Things have improved a little, so I’m not quite as overwhelmed. But then all that means is, as usual, I’m being “brave when the battle is distant.” When it’s in my face, I retreat in terror.

Sigh. I do want to be confident in the Lord. I honestly don’t know how to flip that switch – to be able to stay calm and clear-headed even in the face of fear. I know it’s possible. I just can’t seem to get it. It’s like someone pointed out how natives in the jungle are often terrified by an eclipse of the moon. We all would see that, chuckle to ourselves, and tell them, “It’s okay. You don’t need to be afraid.” We know it’s just an eclipse. To us they’re being silly … even childish. “All that emotional energy and drama is so totally unnecessary,” we would say. But then how am I any different? “Be still, and know that I am God.” “Fear not, for I am with thee …” Verse 3 says, “From sunrise to sunset, the name of the LORD being praised.” He’s got it all covered. “The flames will not hurt thee, I only design, thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.”

Sigh. All I know right now is, even in the fear, to keep trying to do what I should, keep trying to be loving to the people with whom I interact (perhaps even those who contribute to my terror), and keep praying, keep telling the Lord I know I’m filled with fear but I should (I want to) live in faith, to keep begging His help and strength. He knows my heart. He knows whatever it is I’m missing. And He knows when and how He’ll help me see it. Of course, even seeing it, involves facing the terrors.

I don’t know. It’s all crazy. But since He’s in the middle of it all, I’m back in the fray. I guess knowing it’s all Him is what gives me hope. I certainly have none in me. Of course I’m not alone. I know others struggle with exactly these same issues. I like what Shana Schutte said,

“In 2 Thessalonians 1:11, the following phrase grabbed me, “. . . and that by his power He may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by faith.” … I began this calling in faith but later allowed fear and pride to take over. So I tightened my hands on the reigns of my life, and I tried to control outcomes. Instead of trusting God as I worked, I trusted in myself. I forgot that it was my job to act “by faith” but God’s job to fulfill those actions by “His power.” Indeed, we fulfill all of our “good purposes” by His power, and every act prompted by our faith is fulfilled by God. We take the first step(s) but the fulfillment and completion of those steps belong to Him. The good works assigned to us originated with Him and they will be completed by Him.”


Before I close, I want to note that verse 3 says the Lord is being praised from sunrise to sunset. One can ask if the point of that is to say He’s being praised “all the time” or “everywhere?” I lean toward the latter. If it were time and we said, “From sunrise to sunset,” one could ask, “and what about night time?” On the other hand, in the Hebrew mind, the words translated “sunrise” and “sunset” also mean “east” and “west.” In that case, the verse would say He’s being praised “from east to west.” That would mean “everywhere.” So then we would have verse 2 saying He deserves praise “both now and forever more” (all the time) and verse 3 saying He deserves praise “from east to west” (everywhere). The two together then are saying (poetically) that our Lord is deserving of praise all of the time and everywhere. And He certainly is.

… even when we’re facing fears.

He is wonderful. I am so thankful for His never-ending kindness, that He never gives up on me, that He’s always there, smiling, gently encouraging me, and somehow, underneath it all – all of my endless drama – He keeps my heart knowing He’s above it all, He’s using it for my good, that it will end, that somehow it will all add up to making me more like Him, a better person, maybe even a braver, calmer person (some day). He’s there – all the time and everywhere.

I don’t know how anyone survives without this hope, without Him.

Hebrew 13:15,16 -- Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

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